Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pumpkin Mufins

 Don't you just love pumpkin? I do. I think my all time favorite would have to be pumpkin pie. Just because it reminds me of holidays, happiness, and the smooth texture of the filling is irresistible. This year I branched out and tried to make a few dishes that weren't pies. The Penne -Wise Pumpkin Pasta was definitely my new fall favorite. But some how I always seem to come back to some sort of dessert-y item. This time, muffins. And not just any muffins, but muffins so good for you they can be ate for breakfast! I got the recipe from Ellie Krieger's cook book "The Food You Crave". (but it can also be found here) And let me tell you, one bite of these and you will be craving them time and time again. This was the first time I have cooked with molasses and will continue to look for recipes featuring this ingredient. I find it to be just a healthier alternative to sugar. I do hope you get a chance to make these at least once during the fall/winter months. Happy Eatings!

                                                                 {You've got your dry.}

                                                               {You've got your wet.}

                                          {Mix them together and put them in the cupcake pan.}

                                                                        {And voila!}

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gift Guide Under $50

It's Cyber Monday and officially shopping season. If you have as many people on your list as I do your probably feeling a little overwhelmed. To make the holidays a little more enjoyable and a little more stress free, I've gone ahead and composited a (small) list of gifts for all the woman in your life. (Boys, you'll get your own list soon!) I hope this helps and eases some of the stress away. If you have nay other ideas or suggestions please feel free to share I love collaborations!

2. Lemon Verbena- Crystal Cane Candle- $35.00
3. Fossil Scarf- Macy's- $36.00
4. Perfume Locket-Gift Tree- $39.95

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mac and Cheese

 So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and everyone will be pigging out and eating left overs for days. But what I want to know is what are you eating the night before? As tempting as Chinese and take out can be I still crave some home made goodness. Sure, I could go out to a restaurant or order in from the local pizza joint, but I don't want to have to sacrifice taste for convenience. I mean, it's the holidays, no one is working tomorrow, and yea there may be a a lot of cooking and baking going on tonight and tomorrow, but that doesn't mean that tonight's meal has to get the brush off. So here is to the night before Thanksgiving's dinner. The best I can think of is something warm and comforting and with that non other than mac and cheese. And not the boxed Kraft kind, home made. Happy eatings!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rubber Made

 My boots have finally arrived! And just in time too because yesterday it was pretty much a monsoon outside. I ordered these from Ruche. Semi Anthropology like but for a babe on a budget, like me. I have been wanting a good pair of rain boots for some time now but could never quite find the right ones. Some were either to "rain boot" looking and not very cute, or just seemed sort of awkward when I try them on. That's why I love these ones. A). They don't look your average rain boot. And B). They are totally comfy! Possible my most comfortable boot yet, which means you might catch me wearing them on a sunny day. I love it when I can find a functional piece of clothing that is still totally fashionable and that makes me look cute.

1. Jimmy Choo- Hunter Boot -$425
2.Pour la Victoire- Ted -$171
3. Christian Dior- Red Logo Boot  -$356
4. Burberry-Check Rain Boot -$225
5. Roxy- Drizzle- $54

Monday, November 22, 2010

Marching Band

High School marching bands are instantly recognizable. From the snare drum to the driving beats, to the outlandish feathery tall hats and dance teams that accompany them, they are, without a doubt, fabulous. This past weekend my city kicked off the holidays with festivities in the downtown area. There was the annual lighting of our water treatment plant, lighting of city hall, miniature horse rides and face painting for kids and even a marching band and fireworks to boot! Normally the only setting I see marching bands in is at football games and parades, so this was a special treat. They played a few minutes before the fireworks began and then walked down to the bridge where the viewing of the fireworks takes place., They also played during the fireworks. It was glorious. Here is to all those marching band geeks and lovers alike.


 {This is the local high school performing during the fireworks. Them girls get low}

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wish List #1

It's no secret, Christmas is on every one's minds. Even though its still November and Thanksgiving is still a week away, Christmas is where it's at. And with that, I figured it's about time I got my rear in gear and composite my list for Santa. I mean, if I don't, how else will he know what to get me?:) Here are few things I have been thinking about non stop for a while now. Happy Shopping.

 1. Alice in Wonderland-Leather Bound-Barnes and Noble-$17.98
2. Silver Steam Pocket Watch-birdzNbeez-$42.00
3. Red Bows and Pearls-Betsey Johnson-$45.00
4. Missoni Scarf-ebay-$90-140
5. The Kraemer Pump-L.A.M.B. Shoes-$155.00
6. Wood Jewelry Chest-Lilly Anns-$220.00

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Rachel

Here is a look at a cute shirt I have in my shop for sale. I've got lots of things on my mind as to what I want to make and sell in my shop. I can only make things so fast but ideas just keep come pouring in. I'm definitely thinking of doing this shirt in a few other colors, back, white, maybe a blue or purple? Either way I hope to have at least two other different shirt designs listed in my shop within teh next two months. Here's to getting those fingers moving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Few Firsts

It seems like this is a year of firsts for me. This is the first time I've got serious about blogging (and am loving it), first serious amazing boyfriend:), and the first time I've joined an organization that I can say I am truly proud of. That organization, my firends, would be the Junior League of Saginaw Valley. If your liek me then you have never heard of JL before this. I had no clue what it was when one of my friends asked me to check it out with her. What it is basically is a volunteer program dedicated to strengthing the woman in the community and kaing your communty a better place through donating your time and talents. (That's a scratch description of what their actual mission statement is). You can find out more about them here. Anywho, along with firsts this was my first time attending the Festival of Trees. What this is is a charity event put on by the JL in order to raise funds for big projects they partake in. For example, they are raising money right now in order to put in an educational playscape at our local children's zoo, which I think is amazing. So anyways, I wanted to shocase some highlights of  the festival

  There were over 80 trees and wreaths all donated by various businesses and organizations from around the area and raffle tickets were sold for people to purchase and try to win the different trees. I had the good fortune to be selling raffle tickets inside with all the trees and got to sit right in front of probably the most popular tree of the weekend. This is the lottery ticket tree, seen on the right. Everyone who went by it gasped with surprise and was like, "I love it!" So did I. I put half my tickets in this one. My other favorite was a toothbrush wreath donated by a dentist. It had like two spin brushes, a bunch of toothbrushes and some floss. The other half of my tickets went in this one. Sadly, I didn't win either.

Another highlight for me was this lovely old lady. Check out her coat! I love how big and white and fury it is. Tres chic. I love seeing old ladies who have mad style and like to show it off. She also had on some pretty great rings. I tried to snap a photo of her a couple times as she walked by my table trying not to appear to stalkerish.

This was interesting. One of the vendors near my table. A group of older woman were selling some interesting items. I am alwasy curious as to why older woman like such frilly and colorful, things. It made me laugh if anything.

And finally, to end the night off right, my sweet boyfriend and I went to the Premier Party. I had a great time seeing all the trees I didn't get to see earlier and got a chance to meet and chat with other fellow Junior Leagers.

Can't wait 'till next year!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chocolate Egg Cream

This past weekend I had a chance to make a chocolaty drink that I have been dieing to make for a while now! Don't worry, there are no eggs in it:) The recipe was super easy and quick to make.  Definitely going to be a party pleaser. You can find the recipe here. Bon Appetite!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Crunch Time

Making blankets is not an easy thing to do. For my sisters bridal shower/wedding present I wanted to make a blanket. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal considering I have made ones for a couple of my friends in the past (as seen here). This task, however, would prove to be a bit more of a, challenge. A couple months before the actual party I picked out a pattern and got all the yarn ready. Things were going great, until half way through making it I knew in my gut she wasn't going to like it. It just wasn't "her". Ugh! Hate when that happens. Spent all that time and money and now its gone kaput. Plus, the shower was about three weeks away! What was I going to do? Well, my sister had been suggesting/ asking if I could make her a blanket (she didn't know i had actualy arleady planned to do so) so I kept saying, "Maybe", "We'll see", just to throw her off the trail. Well she kept talking about the same style of blanket, completly opposite of what I had originally intended, and I thought, ya know, its simple enough, maybe I can knock one out if I really go hard. Well, I did, and it turned out great! I was quite surprised and proud of myself. She ended up loving it and so did everyone else at the shower. Thank God. Needless to say it was definitely a learning experience.
       {The first blanket I started to make consisted of making 60 of these square little pin wheel guys.}

     {This is the final blanket I ended up giving her. It was a simple double-crochet through out    so it went very smoothly}

Friday, November 12, 2010

Let's Hear It For The Boys

It seems like the boys get left out sometimes. Which is sad because there are so many great products out there for them. I really admire a man who can appreciate face wash, cologne, jewelry, and clothes. Especially when it is done tastefully. Honestly, I don't find anything sexier than when a guy takes pride in what he looks like and knows how to put a few key elements together. Here are some of my favorite things for the boys.

1. SOL94 Slouchy Beanie-Black-Mens 

2. Levi's 514 VIP Jean

3.D&G Men's Aviator

 4. Diesel- Men's Jacket- JRAPPY

5. ADIDAS Original's -James Bond for David Beckham

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting Cozy

The days are getting shorter and colder and grayer. And with that I've only got one thing on my mind. Sweaters. Sweaters this time of year are so great. There is one for literally every occasion. There are dressy sweaters, casual sweaters, sweater dresses, sweaters to sleep in and play in. Living in Michigan you can definitely never have to many sweaters. Being a crocheter I have made a few myself, although some turned out way different than what the pattern suggested they still turned out great. I have yet to begin to sell them because I am a bit cautious to do so. I'm still learning how to size for other people than myself and all the different yarns are just so enticing. Here's to your sweater enjoyment and hope stay warm out there.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Angel Food Cake

A couple days ago by boyfriend and I made some pretty awesome angel food cake. I'm usually the type of person to just buy the premade cake from the local grocery store, but my boyfriend insisted we make one ourselves. I'm not gonna lie, it was from a box. But it was so good! and easy! One of these days I will definitely get around to making one completely from scratch but until then it's just me and a box of Betty Crocker.

                                {This is the premixed mix. Just put it in a bowl and your ready to go!}
                          {The only outside ingredients you use is water! And just 1 1/14 cup of it.}
                             {We used the "confetti" mix. I think it looks so great with all those colors.}
                 {Not really sure why you have to use a bunt ban. Not really sure what the purpose of a bunt is.}
                                                   {The beautiful mix all ready to go in the oven}
          {This I thought was just weird. After the cake is done baking they tell you to put it upside down. Hmm...}
                    {Here it is in it's gloriousness. So moist and delicious. Gaaahh, I want some now!}
                       {We crushed up some strawberries to go on top. The perfect pairing, yum-o.}

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wedding Bells

So yesterday was my sisters bridal shower and it was nothing more than fabulous. The party was held at an authentic Greek restaurant (her fiance is Greek) complete with flaming cheese and pastitsio. It really went off without a hitch. But it got me to thinking. Her official wedding will be held in January and as her cousin in-law was making the rehearsal bouquet ( you take all the bows and ribbons from the gifts and make a "bouquet") I was trying to think of actual bouquets and all they colors and flower combination's that go with it. All that came to mind were spring and summer colors and flowers so it got me to thinking of what a winter-y one would like. Here are a few that I think would look great for any wedding during the winter months. I love the crisp clean feeling these arrangements you leave with. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pumpkin Spice

Finally got my new hat up for sale in my shop. You can check it out here. My favorite part about this hat is the color. This is just the perfect shade for fall. I instantly think of pie when looking at it and if not pie then definitely a nice golden squash, something of the butternut kind. I find that it goes great with pretty much everything in my wardrobe and instantly adds a bit of panache to an otherwise gray and dull day. You cant help but feel a little lifted from this color, its just so cheerful.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Snow is in the forecast for us Michiganders tomorrow and all I have to say is, BRRR! And with snow comes many fun snow activities. Making snow angels is my favorite followed closely by tobogganing and then ice skating and then making a snow man. But, one can not do all this without proper snow attire. Which brings me to my first winter wish list. (first because there are sure to be more to come) Right now I am choosing to focus mainly on items to keep me warm from head to toe while braving the arctic blasts. These should keep warm and stylish.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All That Glitters


'Tis the season to get your holiday gear out. For me that means brooches. Don't get me wrong I like wearing brooches all year, but there is something about that extra added sparkle that just makes things that more special. Adding one to a jacket or a scarf instantly ups the glam factor in no time at all. You don't even have to spend your paycheck on one in order to get the look your going for, There are so many in varying price ranges. Something for every one. Some of my favorite ones have come from vintage and department stores. Don't get me wrong there are plenty that I lust after from the likes of Tiffany's and Chanel. (I'll keep those on my vision board) Thats what I love about them, they are so versatile. Wear them with jeans and a t-shirt or your favorite fancy dress. Whatever the occasion, whatever the style broaches are here to stay and will continue to be a staple in fashionable girls closets for years to come.



Monday, November 1, 2010

Penne-Wise Pumpkin Pasta

For the past month or so I have been searching high and low for a pumpkin recipe that was not a dessert. What seemed like days on google with no luck but your classic dessert recipes I finally did what i should have done all along; went to foodnetwork.com. When I first typed in pumpkin in the search field I was begining to doubt if I would find something seeing that most of the first seven or so recpies were desserts. After a bit more scroling I finally came upon my first savory pumpkin dish. Here is where I found that Rachel Ray had done all the work for me. And let me just tell you, this dish is nothing but amazing. So simple to make, so delicious to taste. You could eat this dish alone, as a snack or even as a great accompaniment to a good roast dish. Any way you eat it you will not be disappointed. This dish is surely going to be with me for a long time. Bon Appetite.